Towards an active mobility for its employees!

La Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci wanted to create a fleet of shared electric bikes on its 3 campuses to encourage the use of active modes of transportation.
HOOBA proposed 5 electric bikes on lease, equipped with smart locks to facilitate reservation and sharing. As a result, high-quality bikes were implemented, efficient management provided entirely by HOOBA, and increased awareness of sustainable mobility among the institution's staff.
Name : Haute École Léonard de Vinci
Sector : Higher education
Location : Located on three campuses (two in Brussels and one in Louvain-la-Neuve)
Domain of Activity : A recognized higher education institution known for the quality of its 40 short (bachelor), long (master), and specialized programs.
Website : https://www.vinci.be/en
Acquiring electric bikes through a leasing arrangement to create a shared bike fleet based on the 3 campuses, allowing staff members to use them for commuting between sites.
Looking for a fleet management system for these bicycles to optimize reservations and bike returns.
... are so many challenges that encouraged la Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci to implement the HOOBA solution.
Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci wanted to implement a sustainable mobility solution to :
Encourage employees to use active modes of transportation
Facilitate professional commuting
Solutions and strategies
HOOBA proposed 5 electric bicycles that met the client's specifications in the form of a leasing agreement.
The 5 bicycles were equipped with smart locks, enabling the client to benefit from the management system provided by HOOBA, which facilitates bike sharing and reservation.
The preventive visits and mobile intervention service ensure a continuous comfort of use for the service beneficiaries.
HOOBA also performed the customization of the bicycles with the client's branding.
The client can access monthly usage statistics through their portal.
HOOBA supports la Haute École in promoting and making the new service known to its various employees.
The management system is configured to ensure that the bikes always return to one of the 3 designated parking zones for this bike fleet.
Customer Testimonial
Their mobility is transformed !

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